Monday, June 4, 2012

Project 365 Kick Off!

With a name like "Sportychic" I'm always down for a good kick off! So today, I kick off day 1 of "Project 365" which I just found out about a few days ago. Capturing important, or not, images of your life and storing them in one place, genius! I am excited to start a digital photo album of what 2012 has in store. Yeah, I know, it's mid-year but better to start late than not at all.

So without further delay, I present to you Day 1:
"Dusty, dirty, and done."

After spending hours trashing and packing up my classroom on Saturday, I returned today to finish up my end of the year packing ritual. "Dusty, dirty, and done" is what I titled this picture. I refused to take a picture of myself, so instead I settled for the room. Packed and ready for summer work and fun! This time I must admit I put more thought into what I was packing up and putting away.  I still have some more boxes to go through when I return, but I was impressed with how much I threw out without a second glance. I've reached a period in my life where I am through with clutter and holding on to unnecessary things. But I digress, that's a post for another day.

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