Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Football is in the Air

With temperatures still soaring into the 90s and the humidity steadily climbing, there is no question that we are still in the midst of the joys and pains of summer! Yet, in the not so far distance is the feel of something electrifying in the air, the approach of the 2015 football season. More specifically, the approach of the New York Football Giants 2015 season! Although "Back to Football" spirals me and many others on the path back to school, I am so ready!

24-7-365 I Bleed Big Blue; even in excruciating humidity on runs for my fundraiser #miles4change.

Yes, two more sleeps before my Gmen hit training camp to begin continue preparation for the new season. Like teaching, football truly has no offseason. Your "breaks" are times to rejuvenate and create new game plans to prepare for the next set of challenges. Players are always working to get better, or at least we the fans hope that's where their focus lies.

This summer I have been made numb to things happening in the offseason with players especially since social media has definitely provided opportunities for information overload! Seeing a tweet/post on a players timeline is one thing, but then watching EVERY sports outlet cover that same information becomes annoying. For example, even as a Giants fan, I am so tired of hearing about every little thing OBJ has done in the offseason. Seriously, am I the only one? Yes he is ridiculously amazing, but...see these are the times I long for the good old days where information wasn't so frivolously available. You had to work for what was found out, especially if you didn't live in the area of your team's fan base. Something major needed to happen for every outlet to cover it. I do believe those were the best of the best days. Of course I also keep in mind that the same media outlets that hype players up on one hand, are the exact same outlets that tear them down later on the other. Most days less is best.


Then we have the other side, you know where premature coverage of serious issues because sports outlets want to be the TMZ first to get the information out regardless of the cost. I believe some issues need to be addressed through the chains of command before outside sources start reporting on the bits and pieces of information, but then again it's the 21st century, an age when it's easier for the media to just clean up a wrong report than miss their exposure for not reporting it at all. But I digress... I'm just so ready to WATCH football be played and not just hear it be talked about.

July 31st my Gmen kick off their first practice session in training camp. I am ecstatic to have my boys in blue back on the field in preparation for the approaching new season. The drive for 5 will be in full swing and once again relevant information will take precedent and be dispersed because it affects the outlook of the season. Yes, life continues to be good. Now if only I could find a fellow Gfam in the area to get me some autographs and pics. My students love the NFL swag I put up in the room. Honestly, I do too!

So as I continue to hit the pavement for #miles4change battling the heat, the humidity, and attempting to dodge the sun until the end of my runs, I rest in the knowledge that very soon football will be in full swing and cool temperatures will be right around the corner. Running + Giants Football = UTOPIA; a definite win/win! So to all fans of all squads in action or preparing for action, "Happy Training Camp" and tick-tock to an amazing 2015 season! <--- That will be the last positive words I have to speak to other fan bases before the season kicks off! Go Big Blue!!!


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