Quick recap of last week's game left me one for four. The Ravens were the only team I picked that advanced to the next round. Congrats to Ray Lewis and the Ravens on their victory over the Colts. Unfortunately I have to pick against the Ravens this round since there is a "Manning" in the mix.
Hadn't had an opportunity to read or hear what's going on with RGIII since the game, but wishing him a healthy recovery. When I wished teams a healthy, injury free game, even though I picked them but don't like them, I was covering the Redskins too. *le sigh* See this NFC East fan has a heart, unlike some of my comrades. But I digress...
Back to the picks, so I'm thinking with the way my picks have been running, maybe I should pick the teams I actually want to lose to win. A little reverse "pickology", or maybe not. With that being said here are...
Sporty's Second Round Post Season Picks * insert drum roll*
Broncos over Ravens (I couldn't cheer the other way when there is a Manning on the field!)
Niners over Green Bay
Patriots over Texans (Sporty's Queasy Pick of the week. Just typing it turned my stomach.)
Falcons over Seahawks
If I chose your team this week, may the odds be in your... oh forget it! Bitterness is setting in and I could truly careless at this point who wins. Just looking forward to a few good close games. The kind I hated when my squad was in action, unless it ended with a "W" in our column. *insert evil grin*
We are getting closer and closer to the Super Bowl match up, so let me use this time to remind you that my squad, The New York Football Giants, are still the official reigning champions. With that being said,now that I am through, I can still throw in Go Big Blue!
Side note:Yes, I am definitely milking it, bitterness at its finest! Enjoy your games!